Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Trim Tuesday - Silver Sneakers

**EDIT for some reason this never published yesterday, sorry!***

Dan and I are pretty sure we're done having babies. I wouldn't be at all upset if I got pregnant again, I love the idea of a big family, but I have some health problems associated with pregnancy (aka scary high blood pressure) so I don't think it's something we will purposely do. I would love to consider adoption some day, but that is a whole different can of worms.

So because in theory my body is done with the drastic changes that are involved with growing a human (or two) I am commuted to getting myself in shape - in my best shape.

I'm in a good place mentally today so I will share some numbers with you. Pre baby I hovered at a weight if 140#. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less but right around there (photo below) When I got pregnant with the twins I didn't have much of an appetite so I didn't gain much weight. I was put on strict bedrest so we moved in with my mom - she regularly put high protein food in front of me, so I put on most of my weight at that point (photo below of me two days before I delivered at about 190#, and of my peanuts 4#13 and 4#10). Between delivering and nursing I lost a ton of that weight quickly and through Weight watchers I managed to get back down to my 140# right around the boys first birthday. We found out we were expecting again and this pregnancy was different in that I was hungry. All. The. Time. I gained a total of 43# with Phoenix (photo while I was in labor below) and today he is three months old. I still am hovering around 165#-170#. Not good - they weren't kidding when they say its harder to loose baby weight the second time around! My goal is to get back to prepregnancy by August -nine months on, nine months off right? BUT more than the number on the scale, I want to be fit. I want to feel good about myself, I want to be to toned.

So what am I doing? Well I'm trying Weight Watchers again. For some reason I'm having trouble sticking to it this time. And I'm trying to stay active. My mom and I are taking a water class on Wednesday evenings, and we are planning to join the YMCA very soon. I've also been getting up most mornings and walking at the mall before it opens - I just can't keep using the boys, the cold, etc as an excuse. I wear Phoenix and push the boys - they all seem to enjoy it, especially since the big boys get play after it (pics below). Each loop through the mall is a half mile - and it feels so good to get out of the house and see people - even if it is just the grandparently types. The best part is coming home with energy!

So there you have it. Time to be the best me. The last picture is my motivation. I don't know who the girl is - but she is stunning. Curvy, trim, toned - but not a size zero.

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